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Anda mengirim email ke server kami, dan anda mendapat pesan error atau bounce dari server kami yang isinya:
550 Unauthenticated email from your domain is not accepted due to domain’s DMARC policy. Please contact your domain administrator if this was a legitimate email. Please see for more information.
Email anda gagal terkirim karena kedua hal tersebut di bawah ini:
Silakan menghubungi pengelola domain yang anda gunakan. Mereka akan dapat membantu anda melakukan konfigurasi pengiriman email yang benar.
Jika anda pelanggan, silakan lihat halaman DMARC Record untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
You intended to send an email to a domain managed by our server, and you are getting an error message or a bounce email with the following message:
550 Unauthenticated email from your domain is not accepted due to domain’s DMARC policy. Please contact your domain administrator if this was a legitimate email. Please see for more information.
Your email didn't reach its intended recipient because of these reasons:
Please contact your domain or email administrator. They should be able to help you set up your email sending environment.
If you are customer, please refer to DMARC Record for more information.
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