Untuk melakukan instalasi perl Dancer, berikut adalah langkah-langkahnya:
Daftar isi |
Silakan anda buka tiket untuk meminta staf kami menginstalkan paket rh-perl524 ke sistem.
Tambahkan baris berikut di `~/.bashrc_local`:
source scl_source enable rh-perl524 export PATH="$PATH:~/perl5/bin" export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5
Aktifkan konfigurasi tersebut dengan `source ~/.bashrc`
Gunakan perintah berikut untuk menginstall Dancer:
$ cpanm --notest Dancer2 FCGI FCGI::ProcManager`
Gunakan perintah berikut untuk membuat skeleton aplikasi dancer:
$ dancer2 -a MyApp && cd MyApp
Untuk menjalankan aplikasi Dancer tersebut, gunakan perintah:
$ plackup -s FCGI --listen $HOME/myapp.sock myapp.psgi
Anda juga perlu mengganti permission socket agar dapat diakses oleh webserver:
$ chmod 777 $HOME/myapp.sock
Masuk ke Control Panel, lalu ke menu Language - PHP. Dan edit konfigurasi untuk versi PHP yang digunakan. Tambahkan baris berikut ke konfigurasi tersebut:
Gunakan script ini untuk membuat client FastCGI:
<?php /* * Configure these by adding two define()s to spawn-fcgi.conf.php: * * SPAWN should be a command to spawn a fastcgi process on a socket * SOCKET should point to the socket * * the example SPAWN is a web.py app (see demo.py) */ define("SOCKET", '/home/xxx/myapp.sock'); define("SPAWN", '-'); /* * Spawn-FCGI.php: A script to translate PHP requests into FastCGI * requests, thus allowing hosting of FastCGI apps (good) on any * PHP-compatible web host (cheap, common). * * This is almost a direct port of Flup's FastCGI test harness, * flup_fcgi_client.py (c) 2006 Allan Saddi <allan@saddi.com> + * 2011 Vladimir Rusinov <vladimir@greenmice.info> * * Modified to take request data from the environment rather than * from function parameters. * * PHP port + modifications (c) 2012 Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org> * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * FastCGI constants */ define('FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO', 0); define('FCGI_HEADER_LEN', 8); define('FCGI_VERSION_1', 1); define('FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST', 1); define('FCGI_ABORT_REQUEST', 2); define('FCGI_END_REQUEST', 3); define('FCGI_PARAMS', 4); define('FCGI_STDIN', 5); define('FCGI_STDOUT', 6); define('FCGI_STDERR', 7); define('FCGI_DATA', 8); define('FCGI_GET_VALUES', 9); define('FCGI_GET_VALUES_RESULT', 10); define('FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE', 11); define('FCGI_MAXTYPE', FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE); define('FCGI_NULL_REQUEST_ID', 0); define('FCGI_KEEP_CONN', 1); define('FCGI_RESPONDER', 1); define('FCGI_AUTHORIZER', 2); define('FCGI_FILTER', 3); define('FCGI_REQUEST_COMPLETE', 0); define('FCGI_CANT_MPX_CONN', 1); define('FCGI_OVERLOADED', 2); define('FCGI_UNKNOWN_ROLE', 3); define('FCGI_MAX_CONNS', 'FCGI_MAX_CONNS'); define('FCGI_MAX_REQS', 'FCGI_MAX_REQS'); define('FCGI_MPXS_CONNS', 'FCGI_MPXS_CONNS'); # SHIT: PHP needs different patterns for encode and decode define('FCGI_Header', 'CCnnCx'); define('FCGI_Header2', 'Cversion/Ctype/nrequestId/ncontentLength/CpaddingLength/x'); define('FCGI_BeginRequestBody', 'nCx5'); define('FCGI_EndRequestBody', 'NCx3'); define('FCGI_UnknownTypeBody', 'Cx7'); # SHIT: PHP has no calcsize; so we calculate by hand and hardcode the result define('FCGI_BeginRequestBody_LEN', 8); # calcsize(FCGI_BeginRequestBody)); define('FCGI_EndRequestBody_LEN', 8); # calcsize(FCGI_EndRequestBody)); define('FCGI_UnknownTypeBody_LEN', 8); # calcsize(FCGI_UnknownTypeBody)); /* * Decodes a name/value pair. * * The number of bytes decoded as well as the name/value pair * are returned. */ function decode_pair($s, $pos=0) { $nameLength = ord($s[$pos]); if($nameLength & 128) { $nameLength = unpack('N', substr($s, $pos, 4)); $nameLength = $nameLength[0] & 0x7fffffff; $pos += 4; } else { $pos += 1; } $valueLength = ord($s[$pos]); if($valueLength & 128) { $valueLength = unpack('N', substr($s, $pos, 4)); $valueLength = $valueLength[0] & 0x7fffffff; $pos += 4; } else { $pos += 1; } $name = substr($s, $pos, $nameLength); $pos += $nameLength; $value = substr($s, $pos, $valueLength); $pos += $valueLength; return array($pos, array($name, $value)); } /* * Encodes a name/value pair. * * The encoded string is returned. */ function encode_pair($name, $value) { $nameLength = strlen($name); if($nameLength < 128) { $s = chr($nameLength); } else { $s = pack('N', $nameLength | 0x80000000); } $valueLength = strlen($value); if($valueLength < 128) { $s .= chr($valueLength); } else { $s .= pack('N', $valueLength | 0x80000000); } return $s . $name . $value; } function spawn() { #print "Spawning new FastCGI daemon\n"; $r = shell_exec(SPAWN); } /* * A FastCGI Record. * * Used for encoding/decoding records. */ class Record { function __construct($type=FCGI_UNKNOWN_TYPE, $requestId=FCGI_NULL_REQUEST_ID) { $this->version = FCGI_VERSION_1; $this->type = $type; $this->requestId = $requestId; $this->contentLength = 0; $this->paddingLength = 0; $this->contentData = ''; } /* * Attempts to receive length bytes from a socket, blocking if necessary. * (Socket may be blocking or non-blocking.) */ function _recvall($sock, $length) { $dataList = array(); $recvLen = 0; while($length) { $d = socket_recv($sock, $data, $length, null); if($d === false) { $r = array($sock); $w = array(); $x = array(); socket_select($r, $w, $x, NULL); continue; } if(!$data) { break; } $dataList[] = $data; $dataLen = strlen($data); $recvLen += $dataLen; $length -= $dataLen; } return array(implode('', $dataList), $recvLen); } /* * Read and decode a Record from a socket. */ function read($sock) { try { $parts = $this->_recvall($sock, FCGI_HEADER_LEN); $header = $parts[0]; $length = $parts[1]; } catch(Exception $e) { throw new EOFError(); } if($length < FCGI_HEADER_LEN) { throw new EOFError(); } $parts = unpack(FCGI_Header2, $header); $this->version = $parts['version']; $this->type = $parts['type']; $this->requestId = $parts['requestId']; $this->contentLength = $parts['contentLength']; $this->paddingLength = $parts['paddingLength']; if($this->contentLength) { try { $parts = $this->_recvall($sock, $this->contentLength); $this->contentData = $parts[0]; $length = $parts[1]; } catch(Exception $e) { throw new EOFError(); } if($length < $this->contentLength) { throw new EOFError(); } } if($this->paddingLength) { try { $this->_recvall($sock, $this->paddingLength); } catch(Exception $e) { throw new EOFError(); } } } /* * Writes data to a socket and does not return until all the data is sent. */ function _sendall($sock, $data) { $length = strlen($data); while($length) { $sent = socket_send($sock, $data, strlen($data), 0); if($sent === FALSE) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); #if($errorcode == 107) { # ENOTCONN # spawn(); # continue; #} #else if($e[0] == errno.EAGAIN) { # #select.select([], [sock], []) # continue; #} #else { $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Couldn't write to socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg"); #} } $data = substr($data, $sent); $length -= $sent; } } /* * Encode and write a Record to a socket. */ function write($sock) { $this->paddingLength = -$this->contentLength & 7; $header = pack(FCGI_Header, $this->version, $this->type, $this->requestId, $this->contentLength, $this->paddingLength); $this->_sendall($sock, $header); if($this->contentLength) { $this->_sendall($sock, $this->contentData); } if($this->paddingLength) { $this->_sendall($sock, str_repeat("\x00", $this->paddingLength)); } } } function _fcgiParams($sock, $requestId, $params) { $rec = new Record(FCGI_PARAMS, $requestId); $data = array(); foreach($params as $name => $value) { $data[] = encode_pair($name, $value); } $data = implode('', $data); $rec->contentData = $data; $rec->contentLength = strlen($data); $rec->write($sock); } function connect() { $sock = socket_create(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); $connected = false; $errors = 0; while(!$connected && $errors < 5) { $connected = @socket_connect($sock, SOCKET); if($connected === FALSE) { $errorcode = socket_last_error(); # no socket, or first connection refusal if($errorcode == 2 || ($errorcode == 111 && $errors == 0)) { spawn(); } # ECONNREFUSED; we started a process but it isn't running yet else if($errorcode == 111) { sleep(1); $errors++; } else { $errormsg = socket_strerror($errorcode); die("Couldn't write to socket: [$errorcode] $errormsg"); } } } if(!$connected) { die("FastCGI daemon didn't start accepting connections"); } return $sock; } function pass_request() { $sock = connect(); $env = array(); foreach($_SERVER as $k => $v) { if(!is_array($v)) { $env[$k] = $v; } } $env['PATH_INFO'] = @$env['REQUEST_URI']; # for django # Request IDs are supposed to be kept as small as possible # while remaining unique :S #$requestId = (int)(rand()); $requestId = 1; # Begin the request $rec = new Record(FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST, $requestId); $rec->contentData = pack(FCGI_BeginRequestBody, FCGI_RESPONDER, 0); $rec->contentLength = FCGI_BeginRequestBody_LEN; $rec->write($sock); _fcgiParams($sock, $requestId, $env); _fcgiParams($sock, $requestId, array()); # Transfer wsgi.input to FCGI_STDIN $content_length = isset($env['CONTENT_LENGTH']) ? (int)$env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] : 0; $s = ''; $fp = fopen("php://input", "r"); while($content_length > 0) { $chunk_size = min($content_length, 4096); $s = fread($fp, $chunk_size); if(!$s) { break; } $content_length -= strlen($s); $rec = new Record(FCGI_STDIN, $requestId); $rec->contentData = $s; $rec->contentLength = strlen($s); $rec->write($sock); } fclose($fp); # Empty FCGI_DATA stream $rec = new Record(FCGI_DATA, $requestId); $rec->write($sock); # Main loop. Process FCGI_STDOUT, FCGI_STDERR, FCGI_END_REQUEST # records from the application. $result = array(); $err = ''; while(True) { $inrec = new Record(); $inrec->read($sock); if($inrec->type == FCGI_STDOUT) { if($inrec->contentData) { $result[] = $inrec->contentData; } else { # TODO: Should probably be pedantic and no longer # accept FCGI_STDOUT records?" } } else if($inrec->type == FCGI_STDERR) { # Simply forward to wsgi.errors $err .= $inrec->contentData; #environ['wsgi.errors'].write(inrec.contentData) } else if($inrec->type == FCGI_END_REQUEST) { # TODO: Process appStatus/protocolStatus fields? break; } } # Done with this transport socket, close it. (FCGI_KEEP_CONN was not # set in the FCGI_BEGIN_REQUEST record we sent above. So the # application is expected to do the same.) socket_close($sock); $result = implode('', $result); # Parse response headers from FCGI_STDOUT $status = '200 OK'; $headers = array(); $pos = 0; while(True) { $eolpos = strpos($result, "\n", $pos); if($eolpos < 0) { break; } $line = substr($result, $pos, $eolpos-$pos-1); $pos = $eolpos + 1; # strip in case of CR. NB: This will also strip other # whitespace... $line = trim($line); # Empty line signifies end of headers if(trim($line) == "") { break; } # TODO: Better error handling $parts = explode(":", $line, 2); $header = $parts[0]; $value = $parts[1]; $header = strtolower(trim($header)); $value = trim($value); if($header == 'status') { # Special handling of Status header $status = $value; if(strpos($status, ' ') < 0) { # Append a dummy reason phrase if one was not provided $status .= ' FCGIApp'; } header("HTTP/1.0 ".$status); } else { $headers[] = array($header, $value); } } $result = substr($result, $pos); return array($headers, $result); } $req = pass_request(); foreach($req[0] as $header) { header($header[0] .": ". $header[1], false); } print $req[1]; ?>
Sumber: https://github.com/shish/spawn-fcgi.php/blob/master/spawn-fcgi.php
Agar script dapat diakses melalui root URL, silakan tambahkan .htaccess berikut Mini:
RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ spawn-fcgi.php [L]
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